The young CEO of a popular website, ‘The Life Hunt,’ motivates people to work hard on their business. Her blogs have powerful business information and financial education. If you want to gain more knowledge, the site offers free content.
Alyssa Hunt was only 23 years old when she graduated. Alyssa had already started her blog, but it was on a free account. During her first year after graduation, she paid a student loan worth $30,000. Within a few years, Alyssa Hunt set up her own business and took blogging as a full-time career. She is now studying for a master’s in English and Literature, focusing on creating powerful screenwriting.
Immediately after I got my first job, I took my writing as a side hustle. But at some point, I felt overwhelmed. Balancing between writing and the company’s task was heavy. I searched on the internet to find the best way to balance both activities. Through various websites, I got a little information. Then, I made up my mind to create a single website where I could deliver such information. There was a good gap in the market. My focus was to be an inspiration to young adults who are chasing their dreams while working. That was when I decided to set up ‘the life hunt’ as my motivation.
Currently, I am very busy. I do three things at a time. My employer is a very good person. She understands my schedule. In addition, I always make sure I have completed school assignments, done my job at the company, and then opt for my company. I have divided my workdays into categories. On Monday, I will write almost 3 articles and upload them on “The life hunt.” Tuesday is a busy marketing day where I engage my online audience on various platforms. All the emails and messages come on Wednesday, where I sample the top priorities and reply as soon as possible.
Of course, everyone is creative in their own way. I always carry along my notebook to write any idea that will pop up in my mind. Just like an artist, I will write down anything I think is positive. You must learn to develop silly ideas into more constructive ones. When I get home, I take my time to try and analyze the idea. Sometimes I have to research the same issue. It’s fast when it comes to making decisions because I operate my company alone.
When running a business, you must ensure you remain productive. On weekends, I hold a self-meeting to weigh my progress, goals, and the tasks ahead. This mostly happens during Sunday nights. Not all weeks are successful. Everybody experiences good and bad days, especially when running a business. Whenever am contented with my weekly task, I will treat myself. The good thing is that I will set achievable goals, not the imaginary stuff.
To my younger generation, if you have any idea, start implementing it as soon as possible. Sometimes you might lack funds, time, and support. But appreciate the small resources you have and start wherever you are. Limiting factors should not be an obstacle to your journey. Fear is another common value that makes many youths terminate what they are doing. One needs to be strong and courageous, take risky steps to achieve the goals.
The fact that many successful people emphasize working in the morning, it’s not always the right way for everyone. Through the statistics, I collected from various entrepreneurs most of them insisted on waking up around 5:00 am. We had a week I tried waking up at 5:00 am, and it was hectic. I would rather sleep late than wake up early. Personally, my creative moment is at 10:00 am. That is when I utilize my skills to the fullest.
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Taking a single ‘retreat’ has been my greatest moment. Sometimes I will drive myself overnight to focus on personal and business things. This is when I get enough time to meditate about my life. Whenever I feel stressed, I would alert my employer just to get my time for a simple retreat. I trust in myself.
Consistency is the eye to greater heights. Whenever I miss writing a blog on Mondays, I always feel like I have lost a day in my life. It’s like I have wasted a whole day. I feel I am successful when I employ consistency in whatever I am doing. Always stick to your schedule if you want to achieve much.
During the early days, while setting up my website, I was rushing things. Later, I came to notice some gaps in my work. This was s a result of giving myself less time while concentrating more on other people. Skipping things wasted my time. But it was a learning process, and it has impacted my schedule.
I appreciate canvas developers for the great job they have done. The site helps me come up with beautiful templates for my site. The free service on their platform is just an amazing thing.
Warren Buffet once said, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving,.” A part of my site deals with personal finances. This quote helps me to be in control of my financial life. I set up my business because I had the right amount of capital. Savings is a great virtue in your early days.
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