Seth Friedman is the founder of Bottle Bright company. Bottle Bright is a tablet that cleans out your Bottle from any dust, dirt, or grime and makes it look fresh and brand new. You only have to fill some water into your dirty bottle and then drop the tablet inside. The tablet will then mix with the water and clean your dirty bottle.
Imagine having a metal water bottle that you have been using for a year. Like anything else, the bottle will get dirty and fill with grime over time. The problem comes when you can not wash the bottle because the opening is too small for your hands to enter. This is when the bottle bright comes to the rescue.
My friend Justin Koehneke and I used to work in the renewable fuel industry. We are huge mountain biking enthusiasts, and we often go for long bike rides in the wilderness. However, we kept facing one problem that bothered us repeatedly. The problem is dirty water bottles. So we would use solid drinking containers or hydration packs that are fit for rough and tough to use.
Mountain biking is an outdoor activity that invites dust that gets into the bottles over time. After some time, these shiny and clean bottles become grimy and stinky. Cleaning the bottles in a dishwasher does not fix the problem, since the dirtiest parts of the bottles remain untouched. After all, we said that enough was enough and decided to develop an easy solution for dirty water bottles. That is how Bottle Bright came up.
We may be businessmen, but we have a level of humanitarianism within our souls. So we decided to donate one packet of Bottle Bright for each packet we sold on the market. The donations would go out to individuals in underdeveloped countries who carry their liquids in massive jugs.
We sold a pack of Bottle bright containing ten tablets for just $6-$7. Overall, the price of the product is affordable, and the tablet works well, ensuring clean and safe to use bottles. The Bottle Bright was also available online, so we went to the Shark Tank show to get some assistance with retail distribution and cash investment for production.
In the show, we sought $75,000 for 15% equity in the business. We then presented our Bottle Bright tablets and how they worked. The product is organic and doesn’t contain any chemicals. It also does not leave behind any odor after the cleaning process. We explained that the cost of producing a packet of ten pouches is 79 cents. The packets are then sold to wholesale retailers for $2.99 and sold to customers for $5.99.
We also explain that we have made a profit of $85,000 in total. Lori realizes that the Bottle Bright may be a great upcoming product and wants to chip in. Since Lori collaborates with Bath, Bed and Beyond, she is to bring the product to the store. She gave a final offer of $75,000 for 33.3% equity in the business, which we finally accepted.
To a young Seth Friedman, it would be good if you have something to work towards achieving. It is vital to have something that you are trying to achieve in the back of your mind each day.
After the investment, Bottle Bright is doing quite well. We sold the product in popular chains such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Amazon, and Andy Dick’s Sporting Goods. In addition, bottle Bright went into business with Hydrapak in 2016, a company that creates realizable and soft flasks. Currently, Bottle Bright is sold at $5.99 for a pack of 10. Also, a free sample of Bottle Bright comes with any purchase of Hydrapak products.
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