Les Cookson is the founder of Carsik Bib, a “barf bag” that hangs around a child’s neck to hold vomit and has a cushioned bottom to remove and absorb fluids. The bib is connected like a traditional bib. The bib is kept on the neck at the start of every car ride.
Cookson knew that his children were prone to motion sickness in the automobile. This is something that, if not all, many parents can relate to. When the backseat has a mess, it may not be easy to transport the kids from one place to another. There are many cures available to help prevent car sickness. Sometimes it is not enough to roll down the window for fresh air.
I had an epiphany while traveling with my children and wife. I thought there had to be a good approach to coping with children’s vehicle sickness. My wife and I were sick of dealing with the filth and stink whenever one of our children became ill. So we invented the Carsik Bib. The Carsik Bib is a straightforward thing. It is a kind of “barf bag” that does not require you to use your hands.
I thought that any and all vomit will hold on by putting a small bag to the end. This seemed like a wonderful concept to me. However, since I was new to the realm of business, I needed some help. So I packed up my Carsik Bib pitch and went to the Shark Tank show. For me, I hoped that one of the sharks could relate to this parental struggle and view the potential of my product.
I went on the show seeking a $30,000 investment in exchange for a 15% stake in the business. In the show, I gave a demonstration of how the product works to the sharks, and they all immediately start cracking up at the display. Also, I explained that about 58% of children suffer from car sickness, so parents are not strangers to this issue. Every time a child gets sick, that is where the Carsik Bib comes to the rescue.
Most of the sharks gave out negative reviews on the product after my presentation. Though I was disappointed, I did not make any attempts to argue with the shark’s decisions. I walked away without a new investor for my business.
After going on the show, not much became of my Cardio Bib. However, I had a lot of faith that the product would be worth something, so I tried my best to get it off the ground. However, this did not hold me back from making other inventions. With a creative mind, I knew I had a lot of concepts up my sleeve.
To a young Les cook, you should know how to handle grief and depression from losses. It would be best to reduce your feelings of anger and the need to make others wrong. Also, you should replace your shyness, fear, or introversion with courage.
In addition, you should always keep in mind that preparing mentaly for difficult times and failing is very important. After a failure, you should always strive to find something that can build your energy back up. You should always reevaluate your situation and ask yourself how you failed and what you should do next.
Despite not securing a deal from the Shark tank show, I used the Carsik Bib’s social media platform to promote my new ideas. I created a few Kickstarter for my new products, which actually ended up being more successful over the past few years. I also started selling various art products, such as optical toys and camera obscures.
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