Jason Richardson is the founder and president of Bad Birdie. His company is a top brand that targets the next generation of players from all backgrounds. However, it mainly focuses on golf to raise better talents for tomorrow’s competition.
I am a graduate of Azusa Pacific University, where I studied Bachelor of science, specifically in Marketing. For sure, I took the minimum duration, and by 2010 I was out of school. By good luck, I joined Feed Company as a marketing manager to gain some experience. Luckily, I worked with the top brains in the country, getting some exposure to a different section of the business. After nine months, I resigned.
In 2011, I accepted an offer from Conscious Minds Productions as a Senior Producer. I worked in the department that dealt with brand content, commercial production, and photography. I made a few friends who have become part of my life. Two years later, I decided to be a freelancer.
I got a lot of opportunities from big companies like Apple, Microsoft, Subway, Zappos. I was the top-line producer for commercial TV ads for Nike. Daily I was getting calls from Uber, Taco Bell, Blizzard, Credit Karma, Lululemon about my services. They wanted short ads video to market their brand. So I can call myself an expert in that area.
From 2017, I decided to brainstorm on the next opportunity. So, I opted to set up Bad Birdie, a modern golf brand that utilizes next-generation players. We identify young talent, and we nature it to the top levels.
I decided to stay in golf because that is where I grew up. When I was 12 years old, I secured a job in Forest, Arizona highland, where golf was a major sport. Furthermore, I worked at the eBay store dealing with Golf Shafts.
On a typical day, I will wake up at 5:30 am and hit the gym as usual. I believe in meditation, so I will take 15 minutes to meditate about my life before preparing a heavy breakfast. At exactly 8:30, I am going to the office for early meetings.
My description for leadership is chasing infinity. As a leader, there is no place you will say you have scored the right goal. In a difficult moment, I will seek wisdom from external parties. Good friends are always ready to help. Sometimes I read books to expand on my knowledge. Also, positive or negative feedback from my team is a learning process. Never neglect that.

We have changed a lot. Currently, our investments go to growth. I am yearning to build a strong foundation to ensure our team has clear goals. Although my mind is always flexible, I don’t do things with 100% positive expectations. Of course, there are times your project can fail, but it’s good to be positive. Every component is life will take two directions, either growing or dying.
I don’t think I have a specific person I look up to when it comes to role models. But I love many young founders who made their company famous before attaining the age of 25. A good example is Mark Zuckerberg.
To a younger Jason Richardson, believe in yourself. You will only succeed if you are self-motivated to drive your dream in the right direction. Wake up and believe you can achieve anything you ever dreamed about. Then, follow your first instinct.
To my fellow entrepreneurs, keep on working like tomorrow never exist. Nobody knows what will take place the following day except God.
As I said earlier, I like reading books. One of my best writers s Jim Collins, with the book titled “Good to Great.” To those who like watching a movie, look at “Remember the Titans.”
After my job, I will spend time with my wife to make strong bonds. Never forget your family because those are people who will be there during a difficult moment.
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