Jon Stewart announced his last year as the host of The Daily Show after 15 years of entertaining viewers.
So where is he off to now? To buy a farm of course.
Stewart has purchased a farm and wants to turn it into an animal sanctuary to rescue farm animals from any cruel practices.
He has always been an avid animal rights activist with his wife, Tracey and is even known for rescuing his own pets.
Stewart has always fought for his belief; during one of his shows he spoke about global warming and factory farms, throwing much backlash on the treatment of the farm animals for food, pigs in particular.
So it was no surprise when he announced his farm plans.
Wife, Tracey Stewart, is the maker of the Moomah online magazine that establishes a cruelty-free living for farm animals.
Vegan Tracey and Jon ensure their kids are also well educated by taking them daily to cruelty-free farms, “after homework” of course. A farm dear to Tracey is Gene Bauer’s Farm Sanctuary.
Due to their activism for farm animals, Jon and Tracey even have two rescued sheep named after them.
Host turned farmer, Jon Stewart will be leaving The Daily Show with many proud fans for his love and dedication to helping animals.
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