This Wednesday brought the announcement from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) that they have successfully launched over 100 nano satellites into orbit on a single rocket. Of those, there’s the inclusion of an observation satellite as well as a technology demonstration satellite.
India’s space agency says that each nano satellite weighs about 10 kilograms or just 22 pounds. They were launched into orbit from a location in southern India. The space agency says that their launch of nearly 104 nano satellites beats out Russia’s launch of 37 satellites on a single rocket back in 2014.
That was the same year that India guided a spacecraft around Mars’ orbit which until then was something that the former Soviet Union, the European Union and the United States has achieved.
What differentiates this launch from any of its other? The ISRO made a statement clarifying that its previous launches were for international customers. For example, there were 96 from the United States and one from each of the following countries: Switzerland, Israel, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates, and the Netherlands.
Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted about the “remarkable feat by ISRO is yet another proud moment of our space scientific community and the nation.”
For some time now, India has had hopes of integrating itself into the multi-million dollar space launching market. Over the years ,the ISRO has succeeded in putting light satellites into orbit. ISRO also holds fast to the hope that it will put people into space someday.
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