Mary Juetten is an entrepreneur who founded Traklight. She is also a principal for Singular Law Group LLC. A virtual law company that uses technology to deliver legal services to underserved Arizonans in the areas of small business.
Mary Ellen was among the first people to present their ideas to Wayfounder immediately after being launched in 2012. Her ideas were very accurate. It was solving the problems of IP strategies. Many individuals backed it up.
I was certainly very overwhelmed after Wayfounder approved my idea. I was their first client, and I am proud of that. Whenever I achieve something, I recall them. My idea exploded within a few months, and I was invited to Shark Tank.
I then shifted all my focus to Traklight. The company provides automated software tools and resources to medium firms, entrepreneurs, and innovators. It helps them recognize business risks and legal issues, including Intellectual Property (IP). Companies may use Traklight to protect and leverage their ideas. We have the only self-guided software platform that generates a personalized startup and IP strategy. This is a GPS for protecting your company.
Additionally, our software platform allows Attorneys, CPAs, and Partners to increase revenue. As a result, they can streamline client intake, prevent giving away free time, and educate their customers.
Being on Shark Tank was a huge opportunity to expand my audience. I was interviewed by a person I have been looking up to since I was a kid. After my appearance on Shark Tank, I got hundreds of messages about my product. I also collaborated with several capital ventures who saw an opportunity in my business.
Barbara Corcoran decided to offer me a cheque worth $50,000 to run the business. At the Shart Tank show, I learned a lot. I also came out with several new ideas after they challenged me. Currently, I have more than 16 inventions and innovations that are still under process. Shark Tank opened many successful doors in my life. I am thankful for their platform.
Everyone will ask me why I didn’t protect my IP while sending my application to the Wayfounder. My passion for invention is mutual. Every month I work on different inventions ranging from 4 to 5 ideas. Those who haven’t filed for a patent will never understand how expensive it is. You must be ready with enough capital.

Currently, for sure, I have minor regrets. I never knew about the Provisionals, and I could have applied for them. If you are an investor with less capital, take that direction and file a provision. Never pitch out your idea before a certificate. We have hundreds of businesses that shark did not support because they lacked an IP registration.
We have many ideas under the ten worst pitches that got rejected because of IP protection. But people must understand that an IP is never a guarantee. It would help if you had the right idea to solve society’s problems. As the owner, you must identify your potential clients.
For sure, I call myself a nontrepreneur. Before Wayfounder, I applied for my license in different companies, but none gave me positive feedback. Some called me for an interview, but never responded to my emails. So I researched about the marketing, packaging, and manufacturing industries.
I noticed that the process involved from production to supply is very tedious. Everything in the business world is expensive. To add to that, I couldn’t find the right distributor for my products.
Everyone has a chance to glow up. If you want to invest as a nontrepreneur, it doesn’t mean you are weak. You can become a great member of your company. There are revenues to supplement your inventions. There is a need to remain consistent and hardworking.
To a younger Mary Juetten, whenever you find a bridge in front of you, look in all directions to locate a path. There is always plan B if you are ready to fight. Also, give other people a chance to advise you. Finally, make a strong, solid relationship with various people.
I believe any idea can be implemented as long as it impacts society. Consider doing your research well to avoid copyright issues.
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