What is the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio?
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio is its investment portfolio. The authority is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government’s sovereign wealth fund.
Understanding the HKMA Investment Portfolio
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Exchange Fund has two investment portfolios. The Exchange Fund runs a Hong Kong Currency Board-supported portfolio. The supporting portfolio is not part of the sovereign wealth fund since it exclusively holds highly liquid U.S. government assets. The world’s 4th most prominent sovereign wealth fund, the investment portfolio, will have $580.54 billion in assets in 2021, according to the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is the region’s currency board and central bank. On April 1, 1993, the Exchange Fund and Banking Commissioner became one. The organization reports to the finance secretary.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s primary goal under the Exchange Fund Ordinance is currency and banking stability. This includes encouraging financial system efficiency, integrity, and development.
Internal management controls most Exchange Fund assets, including internally managed backup funds and specific investment portfolios. However, the Exchange Fund outsources equities and other specialist investment management. The Exchange Fund benchmark is 75% bonds and 25% stocks.
Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio
The HKMA invests mainly in the bond and equity markets of OECD nations. The goal is 73% bonds and 27% stocks. The ideal currency mix is 89% USD and HKD assets and 11% other denominations.
Strategic and tactical asset allocation decisions underpin the Exchange Fund’s investing approach. Given the Exchange Fund’s investment goals, the investment benchmark’s strategic asset allocation is the long-term optimum asset allocation. Strategic allocation guides tactical asset allocation to exceed benchmark returns. Thus, accurate allocation often differs from benchmark or strategy allocation.