What’s Henry Hub?
The Henry Hub pipeline near Erath, Louisiana, is the official delivery destination for NYMEX futures contracts. Sabine Pipe Line LLC owns the Hub, which offers access to major US gas markets. The Hub links four intrastate and nine interstate pipelines, including Transcontinental, Acadian, and Sabine.
Knowing Henry Hub
At Hub, the NYMEX sets the prices for natural gas futures. It has been 18 months since the delivery contract at the Hub of NYMEX began trading, and it is still in effect. The Henry Hub prices serve as points of reference for the natural gas market in North America and some segments of the worldwide LNG market.
Hub Pricing Matters
Henry Hub is a crucial market-clearing price model, considering natural gas supply and demand as separate commodities. Different hub price points exist in natural gas markets like Europe. Indexing natural gas prices against crude oil can be problematic due to varying supply and demand considerations. Developing European hub price points in the Netherlands and the UK has been challenging due to national hub competition. Though Singapore wants to be the regional Hub, Asian natural gas markets are significantly more fragmented and have no hub pricing point. Thus, all Asian natural gas prices are crude oil or Henry Hub-indexed.
Henry Hub and LNG
Even though this Hub is a spot price for gas in North America, it is employed in LNG supply contracts worldwide. Qatar and Australia have decided on their natural gas supply depending on spot pricing rather than according to This is especially relevant in the context of falling oil prices. Natural gas producers can use Henry Hub for spot pricing of natural gas due to its strong liquidity, clear price transparency, and large transaction volume. Contact parties can obtain Henry Hub pricing in a short amount of time since futures markets and other media channels quote them.