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Goods and Services Tax (GST): Definition, Types, and calculation

File Photo: Goods and Services Tax (GST): Definition, Types, and calculation
File Photo: Goods and Services Tax (GST): Definition, Types, and calculation File Photo: Goods and Services Tax (GST): Definition, Types, and calculation

What is the Goods and Services Tax (GST)?

Most products and services supplied for domestic consumption are subject to GST, a value-added tax (VAT). Businesses offer products and services and submit Goods and Services Tax (GST) to the government.

However, some argue that the GST may be regressive since it burdens low- and middle-income people.GST detractors say it increases income inequality and social and economic imbalances. Some nations have exempted or decreased GST rates on food and healthcare to meet these issues. Others have provided GST credits or rebates to low-income households.

Please note that GST and GSTT differ from the generation-skipping trust, also known as GST.

Making sense of GST

The GST is an indirect federal sales tax for specific products and services. A client pays the sales price plus GST since the firm adds it to the price. The merchant sends the GST to the government. It is also a value-added tax (VAT) in some countries.

In most GST nations, a single tax rate applies nationwide. A nation with a unified GST platform collects central taxes (e.g., sales, excise duty, and service) and state-level taxes (e.g., entertainment, entrance, transfer, sin, and luxury taxes) as a single tax. The exact pricing applies to almost everything in these nations.

France introduced the GST in 1954, and 140 nations adopted it. Countries having GSTs include Canada, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, the UK, Spain, Italy, Nigeria, Brazil, and India.

Goods/Services Taxes

Canada and Brazil are among the few nations with dual GST. Unlike a unified GST economy where the federal government collects and distributes tax, a dual system applies the federal and state sales tax. In Canada, the federal government charges 5%, whereas certain provinces and states charge 8%–10% provincial state taxes (PST). Consumer receipts will show the GST and PST rates applicable to their purchase.

A new tax, the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), has replaced the GST and PST in several provinces. In 2013, Prince Edward Island became the first to combine its federal and provincial sales taxes into the HST. Other jurisdictions, including New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Ontario, have followed suit.

Goods and Services Tax Critiques

GST acts as a regressive tax, taking a more significant share of income from lower-income families than higher-income ones.GST applies equally to goods and service consumption, not income or wealth.

Lower-income households spend more on GST-related commodities like food and home products. GST can unfairly tax low-income households.

Because of this, several GST nations are considering making the tax more progressive, taking a higher percentage from higher-income individuals.

Goods and Services Tax Adoption in India

In 2017, India implemented a dual GST framework, its most significant tax change in decades. The GST aimed to remove double taxes from manufacture to consumption.

Suppose a laptop maker buys raw materials for Rs. 10, which includes a 10% tax. For Rs. 9 in materials, they pay Rs. 1 in tax. While making the notebook, the maker adds Rs. 5 to the original materials, totaling Rs. 15. Rs. 1.50 is the 10% tax on the final commodity. Subtracting the prior tax from this extra tax brings the effective tax rate to Rs. 1.50 minus Rs. 1.00 = Rs. 0.50 under GST.

The wholesaler buys the notebook for Rs. 15 and sells it to the retailer for Rs. 17.50, with a markup of Rs. 2.50. The wholesaler can apply Rs. 1.75 of the 10% tax on the gross value of the commodity against the manufacturer’s Rs. 15 tax on the original cost price. Thus, the wholesaler’s effective tax rate is 0.25 (Rs. 1.75 – 1.50).

Similarly, a retailer with a margin of Rs. 1.50 will pay an effective tax rate of Rs. 0.15 (10% x Rs. 19 minus Rs. 1.75). The total tax from producer to retailer is Rs. 1.90, which includes Rs. 1 + Rs. 0.50 + Rs. 0.25 + Rs. 0.15.

India’s GST tax rates since July 1, 2017, are:

  • A 0% tax on various meals, books, newspapers, handmade cotton textiles, and hotel services
  • A 0.25% charge for cut and semi-polished stones
  • 5% tax on pantry items, including sugar, spices, tea, and coffee.
  • A 12% computer and processed food tax
  • An 18% tax on hair oil, toothpaste, soap, and industrial middlemen
  • The last tier taxes luxury items, including refrigerators, ceramic tiles, cigarettes, vehicles, and motorcyclists, at 28%.

The prior system, without GST, taxed products and margins throughout manufacturing. This increases overall taxes, which raises prices for products and services. India’s GST system aims to slash product prices, reducing long-term inflation.


The GST and GST tax are distinct and unrelated.

The former is a VAT on goods and services. The GST Tax, a 40% federal tax, applies to inheritance transfers to beneficiaries at least 37½ years younger than the donor. Wealthy persons cannot dodge estate taxes by naming younger beneficiaries, such as grandkids, under the GST Tax.

Who pays goods and services tax?

Consumers pay GST on products and services. The jurisdiction may exclude agricultural or healthcare items from GST.

GST Calculation: How?

Multiplying the price by the GST tax rate yields the GST. If GST is 5%, a $1.00 candy bar costs $1.05.

What Are The Benefits of GST?

The GST streamlines taxation by combining numerous levies into one. It may also minimize commercial tax dodging and corruption.

Are VAT and GST similar?

VAT and GST are related to sales taxes. Businesses pass on indirect taxes like VAT and GST to the government by adding them to the price of products and services.

However, there are essential variances. EU nations collect VAT at each manufacturing and distribution stage, while other countries collect GST only at the time of sale. VAT applies to a more extensive variety of products and services than GST, and the rate imposed depends on the kind of goods and services and the country of sale.

The Verdict

Many nations tax most domestic products and services with the GST. The firms selling products and services pay it to the government on behalf of customers. To help low-income households cope with GST, several nations have eliminated or lowered GST rates on essential products and services or established GST credits or refunds. The GST is a single-rate tax imposed nationwide that governments favor since it simplifies taxes and eliminates tax dodging. Canada and Brazil have dual GST systems with a federal GST and a state sales tax. Critics say the GST is regressive and may hit low-income people more.


  • GST is a tax on domestic consumption goods and services.
  • The merchant passes the tax to the government from the final amount after consumers pay it.
  • Countries normally levy the GST at one rate.
  • Governments like GST because it simplifies taxation and lowers tax dodging.
  • Critics believe GST hurts low-income taxpayers more than high-income earners.

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