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George Soros: Biography, Facts, and Net Worth

File Photo: George Soros: Biography, Facts, and Net Worth
File Photo: George Soros: Biography, Facts, and Net Worth File Photo: George Soros: Biography, Facts, and Net Worth

Who is George Soros?

Famous hedge fund manager George Soros is regarded as one of the most successful investors ever. From 1970 until 2000, Soros managed the Quantum Fund, which had an average yearly return of 30%. He chairs Soros Fund Management LLC.

The Hungarian-born Soros is famed for his philanthropy. George Soros gave billions to numerous charities through Open Society Foundations. He has historically supported left-leaning and progressive causes, making him a focus of conservative conspiracy theories.

He has contributed over $30 billion to charity and is worth over $8 billion as of May 2022. Education, health, human rights, and democracy have received most of that money. He has liberally given to the U.S. Democratic Party in recent years.

Early Life and Education

Jewish Soros was born in Budapest in August 1930 and emigrated to England in 1947 after surviving the Nazi occupation. After earning a PhD from LSE, he worked in banking. He started Double Eagle, his first hedge fund, in 1969.

Notable Achievements

“The man who broke the Bank of England”

George Soros gained $1 billion in one day on Sept. 16, 1992, by short-selling the British pound. England was a member of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), a fixed-exchange rate agreement among European countries. Countries pressured England to lower its currency or exit the system. Following a period of resistance, England floated its currency, decreasing the pound’s value.

Using leverage, Soros earned $1 billion by taking a $10 billion short bet on the pound. Soros is “the man who broke the Bank of England.”

Brexit and Soros

Soros has lately spoken about the EU’s dangerous future in the aftermath of Britain’s 2016 Brexit vote and the ongoing refugee crisis that has brought millions of Middle Eastern refugees to Europe.

Europe faces an existential dilemma, Soros said. He proposes a strategy to avoid a European catastrophe by addressing three significant issues: the immigration problem, territorial breakups like Brexit, and austerity measures in nations like Italy and Spain.

He proposed that the European Union issue perpetual bonds, similar to Britain’s financing of the Napoleonic Wars.

Soros was “the man who broke the Bank of England” before “the Bank of Thailand.”

The Soros Investment Style

Unlike other successful investors, George Soros acknowledges the importance of instinct in his investing selections. However, he is well-informed about regional and worldwide economic trends and uses this information to exploit market inefficiencies with massive, leveraged bets.

Soros has the cash and risk tolerance to hold these bets longer than typical hedge fund managers. His persistence and wealth persuaded several national governments on currency issues. Soros earned the epithet “the man who broke the Bank of Thailand” during the Asian financial crisis by betting about $1 billion against the Thai baht.

Despite Soros’ extensive understanding of global markets and excellent sources of information, closing a bet is allegedly more gut-based than market-driven. One idea is that Soros has assimilated so much of the market that he intuitively knows when to close out for a profit before he can rationalize it.

Whether true or not, Soros has made more money than most investors, except Warren Buffett.

George Soros’s net worth

As of May 2022, George Soros is worth $8.6 billion.

Does George Soros donate?

George Soros’ Open Society Foundations “are the world’s largest private funder of independent groups working for justice, democratic governance, and human rights.”Soros donated $32 billion to the foundations. He gave Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., a $500 million endowment in 2021.

What made George Soros rich?

The first hedge fund George Soros started was Double Eagle in 1969. This fund’s profitability helped him launch Soros Fund Management in 1973. Soros’ central hedge fund was the Quantum Fund, formerly Double Eagle. His huge finances, awareness of regional and global economic trends, and risk tolerance have helped him acquire a billion-dollar fortune.


  • George Soros vies with Warren Buffett as the most significant investor.
  • He spent much of his massive money on philanthropy.
  • Right-wing conspiracy theories criticize him for supporting progressive causes.

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