Online shopping has long since become an easy, everyday occurrence. It’s both a lot more practical, since it saves us precious time, and is ideal for people who are too busy to go out shopping or don’t very much like having to interact with salespersons in real life.
Entrepreneurs have also greatly benefited from this, with their products and services now being available for purchase worldwide. This is thanks to online payment services, which allow us to pay (and get paid) using a secure, reliable, and fast method.
Let’s explore some of the best online payment services you can use or set up on your own website.
The very one that started it all. Founded in 1998, PayPal is now regarded as the de facto go-to standard for online payment. Fast, brimming with options and features, as well as very, very secure, it’s easy to incorporate into your business.
PayPal’s much-touted safety features are what really set it apart from other services, with your personal information being secure there – instead of providing it on every website individually when buying something online.
Very similar to PayPal in terms of design and how it operates, Skrill is used both by US-based and European clientele. Just like PayPal, security is a big focus for Skrill, and opening an account there is a quick and easy procedure and is probably a better option than PayPal for merchants outside of the US.
With the freelancing boom of recent years, Payoneer has become a very popular payment method for making international payments. With it, you can bill clients and pay workers in several different currencies, and freelancers can quickly make and send out invoices. It’s a good choice both for freelancers who are working for foreign clients, and companies who want to hire freelancers from other countries.
Shopify Payments
If you are looking to make an online store using the Shopify platform, then you should definitely look into using the Shopify Payments method. Shopify is an excellent way to sell your merchandise on the internet, and integrates well with most online stores, making it a good alternative to PayPal.
Another great option for e-commerce, Stripe integrates really well with Shopify, Weebly, and Wix. Using Stripe can be a bit overwhelming at first, but many merchants swear by Stripe and consider its many options and offerings to be much better than what PayPal and other services have.
Bottom Line
Online payment services are constantly changing – new ones pop up, some features are deprecated, others are introduced. It is a highly competitive niche field of business. When choosing the right one for you – and your business – you should first consider things like monthly upkeep fees, transaction fees, quality of customer service, etc.
The choice isn’t always obvious and often requires quite a bit of research, but it will definitely pay off – quite literally – in the long run.
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