Amazon revealed its new music streaming service for U.S. customers who are subscribed to Prime. It is pitted directly against the likes of Spotify and Pandora.
Amazon’s new service starts out a few steps behind in terms of variety. For now, Universal Music Group’s expansive catalog won’t be available, and tracks from Warner Music Group and Sony are expected to be more than six months old. But Prime Music does have a possible advantage; there won’t be forced advertising as songs play, unlike the free versions of Prime Music’s competitors, Spotify and Pandora.
The Prime program is huge for Amazon, as Prime subscribers spend twice as much money as non-subscribers spend. Prime Music has a tall hurdle to climb, as Spotify offers 20M tracks and Pandora offers 1.5M tracks. Apple’s purchase of Beats Electronics for $3B is hard evidence that they intend to stream music to their devices, thereby adding another serious competitor to the fray.
Prime Music appears to be suited to fill a need for its intended audience.
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