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Voidable Contract Definition: How It Works, With Examples

File Photo: Voidable Contract Definition: How It Works, With Examples
File Photo: Voidable Contract Definition: How It Works, With Examples File Photo: Voidable Contract Definition: How It Works, With Examples

What is a voidable contract?

A voidable contract is a formal agreement between two parties that might be voidable for various legal reasons. These grounds could include:

  • A crucial fact not disclosed by one or both parties
  • An error, fraud, or misrepresentation
  • Unfair influence or coercion
  • The legal incompetence of one party (such as a minor) to engage in a contract
  • A phrase or term that is unacceptable
  • A contract infringement
  • Disaffirmance is the legal right to declare such a contract invalid.

How Terminable Agreements Operate

When a contract is shown to include flaws, one party may reject it, even if it is initially regarded as legitimate and binding. The agreement is nevertheless binding and legal if the party with the authority to leave it decides not to do so despite the flaw.

When two parties enter into a voidable contract and one doesn’t realize the other party was deceived or committed fraud, the other party usually suffers the most.

Contracts that are voidable versus.

When one of the parties would not have accepted the contract in the first place if they had understood the fundamental nature of every component beforehand, the agreement becomes voidable. The party above can reject the contract after it has been made with the presentation of fresh information. On the other hand, if one or both parties were not of legal age to agree—for instance, if one is a minor—the contract is voidable.

A void contract, on the other hand, is by nature unenforceable. If a party cannot fulfill the terms of the agreement, such as in the case of one partner’s death, or if the terms compel one or both parties to engage in unlawful conduct, the contract may be ruled invalid.

Ratification is the procedure used to rectify a contract that is considered voidable. To ratify an agreement, the parties must agree on additional provisions that eliminate the original clause causing disagreement.

One of the parties may elect to ratify the contract when they are judged legally competent, for example, if it turns out later that the other could not engage in a legally binding agreement when the original was authorized.

If contract conditions force one or both parties to engage in unlawful conduct or if one party cannot fulfill their end of the bargain, the agreement may be declared invalid.

Samples of Contracts That Might Be Void

Some smartphone applications, known as freemium apps, are initially available for free download but subsequently permit in-app purchases to be made with real money. Children’s freemium applications may lead to a kid agreeing to the terms and conditions of the gaming, even if these terms could subsequently permit the request for in-app purchases. Due to this behavior, Apple (AAPL) was sued in 2012 because the transactions constituted voidable contracts.

In a more recent instance, a 2018 lawsuit out of New Mexico claimed that solar power installer Vivint Solar had deceived clients by enticing them into 20-year contracts that obliged them to pay rates that would increase by more than 72% over the 20 years for the electricity produced by solar systems installed on their homes. The lawsuit aimed to make all of Vivint’s previous homeowner contracts voidable if the impacted clients desired to terminate them. However, it was left out of a deal that Vivint and the attorney general of New Mexico reached in May 2021.


  • A contract that may be terminated or changed for specific legal reasons is voidable.
  • Not all contracts may be broken; there must be prior legal precedence to escape liability.
  • One frequent method of nullifying a contract is discovering a flaw.
  • If both parties decide that voiding the contract is the wisest course of action, it is the easiest method.

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