Richard Branson is not only known for being a millionaire but, also a philanthropist. In 2014, he had announced that his firm will offer unlimited holidays. This was in hopes to boost morale and loyalty amongst the employees. This year, his announcement is yet another cause for delight.
Branson has announced that his employees are entitled to receive up to a years paid paternity leave. This offer has Branson’s generosity pouring out of it and has left his employees ecstatic. This came into effect since April 2015 and will be valid for women as well.
The offer stipulates that, the employees who have worked at Virgin for at least four years or more are entitled to a year’s long parental leave with complete pay. The employees who have worked for less than four years will be paid 25% of their pay.
Branson stated, “If you take care of your employees they will take care of your business. As a father and now a granddad to three wonderful grandchildren, I know how magical the first year of a child’s life is but also how much hard work it takes.”
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