Sean Pour is an American autodidact programmer as well as an entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of SellMax. This company deals with second-hand used vehicles.
When Sean Pour was 14 years old, he worked for their family’s company. It gave him some experience in the world of business. During holidays, he worked there for almost ten years, selling and buying cars. He then joined Alma Mater University, found in San Diego, and graduated later with a computer science degree, a report by techpublic.
He is a specialist in online marketing as well as web design. Sean’s skills have helped him drive great traffic to the SellMax company. During their free time out of business, you will find him reading or spending a good time with his family.
I grew up next to my father, a pro at a car dealership. Daily, he would encourage me as his younger businessman, not as a son. Over time, I knew everything would be great in the future. Then, in 2008, the financial crisis affected my father’s business. The business was tumbling because the wind was very strong.
At 14, I developed a creative website to get an online community. I learned to work with HTML, CSS, PHP, and WordPress. The small idea grew into something big. That’s where SellMax came from. I still appreciate my family for the great inspiration they gave me.
I would wake up at 6:00 am for minor home tasks on my typical day. Then, at exactly 7:00 am, I take my coffee then drive to my office. I use the slogan “get it done whenever I am in my office. To keep myself productive within the week, I have to take a long run during the evening. It makes my mind sharp and relaxed. I believe it’s the best way to take care of my mental health.
Sometimes an idea might pop up, but when you research, you find someone has already executed it. Research should be your first task inches, an idea ringing your mind. Study your competitors and come up with a unique approach. After creating a way to deal with the idea, I invite my team for discussion.
Artificial intelligence is changing the world. The technology excites me. AI can play a major role in society. I have a header about self-driven cars using machine learning. That won’t work for us at SellMax. The technology is being used in various industries, and we are eager to see what it can do.

What makes me more productive is exercising daily. But most people are always busy and prioritize their professionals over-exercise. Think about your personal life, and you must nature it.
For a younger Sean Pour, failing as quickly as possible is the best. When I was a teenager, I felt bad whenever I failed. However, it made me stronger. My success lies behind those minor failures. All the wins I have experienced in life are learning lessons from my wrong paths.
Although I am an entrepreneur with my schedule, I put my health life first. I once sacrificed my business to focus on my natural health. I know it was a bad decision, but I could not negatively affect my job. Depression is sometimes real, and it can hurt your life.
I am always curious when it comes to things I don’t know. In most situations, I believe self-learning has impacted my life. Don’t ask someone before researching by yourself if you have a difficult question. It allows one to build his knowledge. This attitude has helped me hire the right candidates.
Most companies fail during pre-seed moments. For example, when I started SellMax and then hired several workers, the revenue dropped. This was due to a poor channel of advertisement. So I had to employ a different way to drive traffic to my business.
For a business idea to the readers, you can set up a startup for rental car service. This business is really in demand. Most probably, if your business will function like Lyft or Uber, it could impact n society. The person who wants to rent will pass through some tests to ensure that they will return it.
I use Trello in my daily task management. It’s easy and simple to use. In addition, it helps my team stay updated with what we will do next.
Tim Ferriss wrote “The 4-Hour Workweek” for those who love reading. You won’t get the message if you judge the book by the title. Sometimes we think success can only come after many hours of struggle. But if you collaborate and outsource some business activities, you will win.
My mum told me that “anything can be earned.” So, I walk with that quote whenever I visit.
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